Mary was born in 1975 in Annecy (FR-74). Very young, she is already attracted by mythology. Legends, fantastic creatures, the invisible world and mysterious things leave in her thoughts... Being a dreamer, she writes poetry. As she has got the head in the stars, she naturally discovers astronomy. At her spare time, she practises drawing and creates with oil pastel. At school, her art teacher notices Mary's certain ability to play with colours.
As a young adult, Mary meets an unexpected job that will stimulate her artistic streak: colorist for a printing ink manufacturer. Besides, she takes lessons about oil painting in a restoration workshop. But something is missing to her and to paint only with brushes is a little boring: so she decides to explore alone. Light interpretation, Monet, Van Gogh and "Fauvism" interest her a lot. She is captivated by underwater paintings of Stéphane Braud. Pallet knife and colours become her favourite tools.
But then, after several years of doubts and incubation during which Mary suspended her painting activity, she realizes that she misses painting and that it represents a visceral need. She feels like colouring once more her life and asserts her style.
The blue colour, both main colour of our planet and favourable vibration to meditation, becomes almost omnipresent. Mary Mann loves the mysterious dimension offered by this colour because you can glimpse hidden things, they shine, gleam in a supernatural dimension. Besides its calming effect (blue wave length slowes heart rate and decreases blood pressure), searchers from the Sussex university in Great Britain demonstrated that blue colour "increases self confidence, reduces stress and stimulates happiness".
Mary paints exclusively with oil and uses either knife pallet (her favourite) or brushes.
Her art represents infinite, timeless things: myths, the night, eternal nature, origin of humanity, universe… calling so Human being to some modesty face to unchangeable forces that surround him. Her mysterious paintings, where light is enhanced by twilight, convey a meditative energy sustained by the vibration of colours.
Mary Mann is happy to create again and to share her imagination with people.